An Ibushi Kawara tiled house where you can feel life in rural Japan and its craftsmanship.
Since its founding in 1920, Koyo Seiga has continued to make tiled roofs for over a century. Next to the factory is a house built by the company's previous owner. This house has a tiled roof made using the finest techniques. Because there aren't as many chances to stay in a Japanese-style house, we renovated it as a guest house for factory tour guests to create Kungin Bettei. In addition to the factory tour, you can really experience tile-making by touching the clay and really feel what it's like to live there.
We hope you enjoy the roof which is made with Ibushi Kawara tiles and can be seen from a wide window on the second floor as well as new and old Ibushi features which decorate the interior of the house.
We also hope that you can get away from your hectic life by getting in touch with traditional architecture developed by a regional culture while also deepening your appreciation of it.
Embedded in the landscape of Harima
In the town of Ikuno, about 50km north of Himeji City, silver was discovered in 1567. After that, settlements developed along the clear waters of the Ichi River as the demand for silver grew. In 1876, modernization led to a 49km carriage road connecting Kobe Port with the Ikuno Silver Mine and used exclusively for the transport of silver. The village of Funatsu, which was in the middle of this route also flourished as a transport hub.
The history of tile-making in Himeji goes back about 200 years. It all began when the Himeji Domain found soil suitable for making tiles in the village of Funatsu located in the Kanzaki District. In line with modernization, it grew into the center of production for Ibashi Kawara, also known as Kanzaki Kawara, and the area was full of kilns by the beginning of the Showa era. Today, the landscape of Funatsu is full of tranquil rice paddies surrounded by the Japanese countryside, but the remaining chimney of Koyo Seiga reminds us of its former prosperity. The tile-making of our predecessors and its success helped shape the landscape of Harima today.

A house where you can immerse yourself in the rural scenery
From the widely opened window on the second floor, you can see the Ibashi Kawara roof spread out in front of you and view the scenery of rural Japan behind it. If you look out towards Hatakeyama and Shiroyama you can feel the movement of the wind and clouds, and if you look over to the pond you can see birds landing in it. And by sitting on the porch on the ground floor, the beautiful Japanese garden will soothe your soul. It is a house where you can really feel the changing seasons throughout the year. It's also an ideal location for workations.
- 一日一組限定
- 6名様まで
- 2階貸切 70㎡
- 禁煙
- お風呂
- 洗面所
- トイレ
- 洗面
- 寝具(セミダブルベッドx2、シングル寝具x4)
- 電子レンジ
- トースター
- 電気ポット
- 冷蔵庫
- ドライヤー
- エアコン、暖房
- 本などの読み物
- Wi-Fi
- シャンプー
- コンディショナー
- ボディソープ
- タオル
- 歯ブラシ
- スリッパ
- お水
- お茶
- コーヒー
- 紅茶
- フルーツ
- お茶菓子

連絡先 0792-32-5295
播但連絡道路 船津インター | ~1.6km(約5分) |
中国道 福崎インター | ~8km(約15分) |
姫路駅(姫路城) | ~12km(約30分) |
大阪駅~姫路駅 JR山陽本線(54分)
姫路駅から播但線 香呂駅(18分) 香呂駅~3.7km(駅タクシー有)
姫路駅北口バス停 7番乗り場から
61山田経由北条行 | 太尾北口(40分)~650m |
62大貫経由北条行 | 太尾北口(40分)~650m |
81江鮒団地 ・南山田経由北条行 |
太尾北口(40分)~650m |